Limonene and KCI Particulates Test Report

Study on the Removal of Particulates and Gaseous Contaminants for the Reviveaire Aireshield

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LMS Technologies, Inc.
6423 Cecilia Circle   Tel: 952-918-9060
Bloomington, MN 55439 USA Fax: 952-918-9061

Test Report Date:  February 12, 2025 Test Requested By:   Reviveaire

Test Type:  Particulate and limonene recirculating chamber and duct tests
Scope Reviveaire provided a 24”x24”x1” Aireshield panel for potassium chloride particulate testing and limonene gas testing. For particulate testing, the device was tested with a MERV 13 filter downstream of the device. Particulate test results were compared to the MERV 13 filter only test, MERV 16 filter only test, and empty duct (natural decay) test. The MERV 13 and MERV 16 filters were sourced from in-house inventory. Testing was performed in a 4096 ft3 stainless-steel chamber with recirculation through a stainlesssteel test duct at an airflow rate of 410 cubic feet per minute (CFM) which is the equivalent of 6 air changes per hour (ACH) for the test chamber.

Air Cleaner Information

Manufacturer Name:        Reviveaire
Product Name:                 Aireshield
UPC:                                  850057835090
Dimensions:                     24” x 24” x 1”
Air Filter Description:       Electrostatic catalysis air filter
Default Voltage Setting:           5.39 kV
Max Voltage Setting:                6.49 kV
Figure 1. Reviveaire Aireshield

Particulate Test Method

  1. A 0.1% solution of potassium chloride was injected into the test chamber using a Laskin nozzle aerosol generator at a pressure of 20 PSI for 16-minutes.
  2. The test device was powered on and the test chamber air was measured in real-time using a TSI SMPS for a 2-hour period.
  3. The test was repeated without the test device installed in the test duct to determine the natural decay of the test system.
  4. Testing was performed for the following scenarios:
    1. test device at the highest voltage settings with a MERV 13 filter downstream of the device
    1. MERV 13 filter only
    • MERV 16 filter only 

Limonene Test Method

  1. Limonene was injected into the test chamber until a nominal starting concentration of 100 ppb was reached.
  2. The test device (set to the highest voltage setting) was powered on and the test chamber air was measured in real-time using an Aerodyne/Tofwerk Vocus PTR-MS for a 2-hour period.
  3. The test was repeated without the test device installed in the test duct to determine the natural decay of the test system.

List of Equipment

The list of equipment used for this project included the following:

  • 4096 ft3 stainless-steel test chamber
  • TSI VelociCalc 9545 – temperature and humidity measurements
  • Ecotech Serinus 10 Ozone Analyzer
  • Aerodyne/Tofwerk Vocus PTR-TOF-MS
  • TSI Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer

Test Conditions

Temperature:               72°F ± 3°F
Relative Humidity:      45% ± 5%

Test Results

The cumulative 16.5-604.3nm particle number concentration graphs for all test scenarios are shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the ln[Cti/Ci] of the particle number concentration graphs in order to determine the k-values for CADR calculations. Figure 4 shows the percentage reduction of the particle number concentrations. Table 1 shows the CADR results for all particulate tests. An example of a CADR calculation is shown in Appendix A.

Figure 2. Cumulative 16.5-604.5nm particle number concentration graphs for all tests
Figure 3. ln[Ct/C0] of cumulative 16.5-604.5nm particle number concentrations for all tests
Figure 4. Percentage reduction of cumulative 16.5-604.5nm particle number concentrations for all tests  

Table 1. Particle number concentration CADR results for all tests

 Natural DecayMERV 13 FilterAireshield (max voltage setting) + MERV 13 FilterMERV 16 Filter
CADR (cfm) 42.7110.8304.4

Table 2 shows the raw cumulative number concentrations at times 0-, 60-, and 120minutes for all tests and Table 3 lists the percentage reduction results at these time periods. The following formula was used to calculate percentage reductions:


Table 2. Raw cumulative number concentrations at times 0-, 60-, and 120-minutes for all tests

 Natural DecayMERV 13 FilterAireshield (max voltage setting) + MERV 13 FilterMERV 16 Filter
Time (minutes)Cumulative Number Concentration of KCl Particulates from 16.5-604.3nm (#/cc)

Table 3. Percentage reduction of particulates at times 0-, 60-, and 120-minutes for all tests

 MERV 13 FilterAireshield (max voltage setting) + MERV 13 FilterMERV 16 Filter
Time (minutes)Device Percentage Reduction

The limonene decay graphs are shown in Figure 5 and the ln[Cti/Ci] of the limonene data is plotted in Figure 6. The toluene CADR results are shown in Table 4.

Figure 5. Limonene decay data for the Reviveaire Aireshield and natural decay tests

Figure 5. Limonene decay data for the Reviveaire Aireshield and natural decay tests

Figure 6. ln[Ct/C0] of limonene data for the Reviveaire Aireshield and natural decay tests

Figure 6. ln[Ct/C0] of limonene data for the Reviveaire Aireshield and natural decay tests

Table 4. Limonene CADR results for all tests

 Natural DecayAireshield
CADR (cfm) 10.9

Appendix A: Calculation of k-values and CADR

Contaminant decays follow the exponential decay function:

Equation 2


where Cti is the concentration at time ti, Ci is the concentration at time = 0 minutes, kis the decay rate constant, and ti is the time.

The decay rate constant is then found from the slope of the ln[Cti/Ci] vs. ti curve:

Equation 3

Figure 2 is shown below as an example.

Figure 2. ln[Ct/C0] of cumulative 16.5-604.5nm particle number concentrations for all tests

The following formula was then used to determine the device clean air delivery rate (CADR) with a test chamber volume (V) of 4096 ft3:

(Equation 4) 

The CADR calculation for the Airehsield (max voltage setting) with MERV 13 filter downstream is as follows:

The CADR calculation for the Airehsield (max voltage setting) with MERV 13 filter downstream is as follows:

Onsite Reviveaire – Aireshield test reports
Mold & Fungal onsite testing
Particulate and limonene recirculating chamber and duct tests